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Project Management for IoT

Tim Kannegieter

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To answer Steve's question on project management tools.  We have assessed and just committed to a 24 month license for http://cammsproject.com/,for integrated project management across the company, with an integrated timesheet system which they are modifying to tuit our needs (for a fee).  It provides some collaboration facilities.  I will let the community know how it goes down the track.

On JIRA, we use it is a number of ways.  I would commend it to others - especially good as it it Australian-developed, wo we can support local industry.

For software development, we have an inward-facing setup on our server for the developers ot track iissues and bugs.

For software support, we have an outward-looking cloud based setup for each project, whicht he customer can access.

We also use Jirafor ittue tracking for our ISO 13485 (medical) Quality Management System (like ISO9001 on sterouids).  This has a customised work flow to magane issue trackingiun accrodance with ISO13485, including steps for risk managemt. We use this JIRA setup for Corrective and preventative Action management.

The same work flowcan be used generally by omitting the medical product specific steps.

We use Subversion for software configuration control, on the basis that it is the "least worst"  - have looked at more modern systems but nothing much out there impresses.

IMO best tool for all of these things is a sharp human brain.  Without this, the tools generallty make things worse than doing nothing!




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