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Telstra's NB IoT network launched

Tim Kannegieter

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According to a CRN News report, Telstra has turned on its national IoT network.

See https://www.crn.com.au/news/telstra-quietly-switches-on-internet-of-things-network-473757

I cant see any announcements of Telstra's website though. If you know any more please link in the comments.

Meanwhile, Telstra has announced the first four IoT startups to to be supported by its Muru-D incubator.



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Interesting. Because I have to remind myself every time, a quick reference for others:

  • LTE Cat-1        10Mbps/5Mbps, full duplex, available Feb 2016
  • LTE Cat-M1     1Mbps/1Mbps, half duplex, available today?
  • LTE Cat-NB 1  20kbps/60kbps, half duplex, who knows?

All being LTE technologies, coverage should be similar to LTE, maybe even a bit better due to lower rates.

FWIW, I'm participating in the Everything IoT HackLAB in a couple of weeks. Happens to be hosted at Muru-D in Sydney, and Telstra just announced they'll be bring provisioned Cat-1 dev kits.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the interesting update on the Telstra IoT network switch-on. We've been waiting for this news.

Sadly for us, our modem supplier (Sierra Wireless) won't release matching LTE Cat-M1 hardware until some time in 2018.

So sadly, no-way we can put all this to the test.

I wonder if the pricing models reflect the much smaller payloads the IoT will be using?

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