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Developing the IoT Body of Knowledge

Tim Kannegieter

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Over the Christmas break we added quite a bit a new content to our IoT Body of Knowledge (BOKIoT). BOKIoT consists of the wiki, resources (case studies) and a directory of organisations. This is a work in progress and we have lots of gaps and areas that have only just started. We need your help to determine what content would be useful for you.

To motivate you, we have arranged with a sponsor of our community to give away five free tickets to the Industrial Internet Summit in Sydney on 15-16 February 2017. These tickets will be awarded to the most active community members over the next month. Ways of being active include:

  • Commenting on content in our wiki. Just browse the wiki and look for gaps, content you would like to see, or make suggestions for improving existing content. Just reply to this post or comment directly on any page in the BOKIoT.
  • Leading discussions on any topic in our engineering forum.
  • Creating your own blog post
  • Reply to other people's posts and comments.

We will aim to find speakers to talk on any topics you suggest to help develop BOKIoT. 

We look forward to your active discussion.

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