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Community Roles and Processes

Tim Kannegieter

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This post describes the core processes of the community, as illustrated in the following flow chart.

Community Operations Flowchart 2016-11-24.jpg


The core functions of each role are as follows:

a.       Community Leader:

  i.      Hosts core member meetings and sends meeting invites

 ii.      Takes minutes and copies to Community Agenda Forum

 iii.      Approves all webinars and other events

 iv.     Champions any special community projects and obtains any resources required to deliver them

 v.      Ensures good variety of activities and coordination of all other roles

 vi.      Backs up the other roles as required

 vii.      Recruits and appoints new core members to roles as required.

 viii.     Approves major changes to the wiki

b.       Body of Knowledge Manager:

  i.      Responsible for Wiki structure

 ii.      Evolves wiki page templates to best capture useful knowledge

 iii.      Identifies gaps and requests the Webinars Program coordinator to find speakers on these topics

 iv.      Works with volunteers to get webinar transcriptions into a good format for the wiki.

v.      Uploads final content into the wiki.

vi.      Identifies opportunities for practice notes and other special projects.

c.       Webinar Program Coordinator:

  i.      Works with other core members to identify potential speakers

 ii.       Makes initial contact and organises/confirms date,

 iiii.     Updates webinar management list and ensures there is a speaker every week.

 iii.     Sends speakers guidelines and assigns/confirms a volunteer host for each webinar

 iv.      Updates the event calendar

d.       Community volunteers (x6)

  i.      Works with assigned speakers to get webinars description and bio min two week prior to meeting

 ii.      Hosts meetings (one per month)

 iii.      Edits transcriptions ready for upload to wiki.

 iv.      Leads Practice Note projects as required

e.       Forums facilitator

  i.      Monitors Google Alerts and adds appropriate news items to Industry News Forum

  ii.      Stimulates discussion threads on Engineering Forum (methods to be determined)

 iii.      Ensures all posts are responded to by appropriate community members

f.        EA Liasion– EA staff member(s)

 i.      Recruit/approve the community leader

  ii.      Creates webinars in webinar system

 iii.      Reminds Community volunteers of upcoming content deadlines for promotion of webinars.

  iv.      Organises input of webinar descriptions into EA’s Event Alert system

  v.      Organises transcriptions of webinars

 vi.      Uploads webinar recordings to MyCPD

vii.      Manages email inbox (iotengineering@engineersaustralia.org.au) and resolves member issues.

 viii.    Develops and delivers support and training materials (process maps and instructions for new core members)

ix.      Develops and maintains community platform

x.       Coordinates promotion of community to the public

 xi.      Identifies and pursues sponsorship opportunities.

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