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Become an IOT leader

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With the hard work of establishing this platform and intitial program out of the way, Engineers Australia is now calling for enthusiastic volunteers interested in this topic to help drive the agenda of this community moving forward. Unlike formal committee roles in other kinds of groups, this community will have a self-selecting group of "core members" help lead discussions and decided what sub-topics of IOT we will focus on. Primarily its about networking to get a feel for what other members want, identifying possible topics and presenters, and bringing that knowledge to our "core member meetings". 

We have now scheduled the first five Core Members Meetings in our calendar, highlighted in Green and if you are interested, just sign up to these online meetings. You don’t necessarily need to be expert in IOT or even in ICT. You just need to be enthusiastic about applying IOT in your field. 

I have scheduled the core member meetings weekly for the first month as we go through teething and trying to get initial engagement going. However, I expect to drop it back to fortnightly, then monthly as the community becomes self-sustaining (our goal), so we are only asking for an hour of your time a month. 

This is a great opportunity to become known as a leader in this space and to drive your reputation, organisational brand in this exciting field. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the me (the community facilitator) on iotengineering@engineersaustralia.org.au




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