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Independent review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market (NEM)

Arthur Baoustanos

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I recently (14 December) attended the Grattan Institute and Melbourne Energy institute Energy Futures 2016 panel discussion which coincided with the release of the  Preliminary Report of the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market, Commonwealth of Australia 2016 led by Australia’s Chief Scientist Alan Finkel.

Chapter 2 of this Report talks about Consumers Driving Change and makes reference to Digital meters (and the Internet of Things) (pp.16-17):

Digital meters, the 'Internet of Things' and energy management software can help consumers trade, track and control their electricity usage to manage their electricity costs.

On page 18 there are a number of Consultation Questions that our Community could potentially provide some input. "It seeks input on key questions to navigate the transition in line with consumer expectations for a secure and reliable service, at an affordable price, that delivers on our national emissions reduction commitments. 

Dr Finkel and the Panel welcome submissions responding to the Preliminary Report. The submission period is open until 21 February 2017

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