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Smart technology to solve city problems: release of Smart Cities and Suburbs Program guidelines

Arthur Baoustanos

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Proposals on digital and data solutions for local communities are being encouraged in the Federal Government’s $50 million Smart Cities and Suburbs Program.

Draft guidelines for the program were released Tuesday at the Smart Cities Expo in Sydney by Assistant Minister for Cities Angus Taylor, with stakeholders invited to provide feedback on the guidelines.

Assistant Minister Taylor said the program would support projects which put citizens at the centre.

The Smart Cities and Suburbs Program aims to deploy new ideas not yet seen in Australia including international smart cities technology.

Eligible applicants are able to apply for up to $5million in Federal grant funding with the first funding round expected to be opened in the first half of 2017.

Stakeholders interested in the program can download the draft guidelines and provide input until 20 January 2017 through the Government’s Cities website.

The full media release can be found here.

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