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About this blog

My main technical interest and work-related commercial thrust when it comes to connecting devices has always been top-to-bottom abstraction data models, increased productivity via resulting interoperability of disparate devices. I didn't invent these concepts myself; they've been around for longer than I. But, I know from experience how critical they are to having a commercial/industrial IoT or M2M system that is scalable, flexible and capable. As a corollary to this, I am sceptical of the value of wide-spread sensor-only IoT networks, and sensor-oriented networking and interoperability models, and commodity wearables.

Entries in this blog

Wearables, or Unbearables?

I’ll be blunt: the hype surrounding wearables as a mainstream commodity item is overstated, even in the context of IoT. I confess that I do own a watch, a gift from my wife, but I also confess that it languishes somewhere in the “third draw down”, along with other items that are out of sight and out of mind, but not necessarily in that order. Indeed, back in the day, everyone who could afford one wore a watch. When I was going through school, calculator watches were the representation of th

Jon Eggins

Jon Eggins

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