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  • Call for presenters

    Tim Kannegieter

    The Applied IOT Engineering Community of Engineers Australia is looking for speakers to present during its weekly webinar program. 

    Our audience is primarily engineers from all disciplines and industries that have responsibility for innovation in their field. We also have a number of ICT professionals responsible for implementing IoT systems. What we are looking for are one of a few options:

    • End to end case studies: Primarily in industrial or B2B settings, rather than the development of consumer products. These should cover all aspects of IOT from sensors, through analytics to user interfaces, and highlight any particular innovations enabled by IOT.
    • Industry application profiles: Looking at how IOT can potentially transform particular market segments e.g. Intelligent transport, water management etc. This can include multiple short case studies and look at industry wide initiatives like Hypercat for smart cities.
    • Technical deep dives: Discussing a particular aspect of IOT like device management, IPV6 addressing, communication protocols, cloud, analytics, security etc. This is primarily educational in nature and should aim to fill in gaps in our growing body of knowledge (see http://iot.engineersaustralia.org.au/contents.html/).
    • Research: Addressing particular challenges or innovations.

    You can see the kinds of presentations we have already delivered at http://iot.engineersaustralia.org.au/webinar_records.html/. Ideally we are looking for content that fills a gap in our growing body of knowledge (see http://iot.engineersaustralia.org.au/contents.html/). 

    This is an opportunity for you to put yourself in front of an audience responsible for implementing and integrating IoT solutions. We ask that any presentation is educational in tenor and not overtly promotional. However, we don’t mind you mentioning particular technologies or methodologies to illustrate how IOT can be applied. We also ask permission to record the presentation to distribute to our members and via our eLearning centre.

    Our webinars are every Tuesday from 12pm to 1pm Sydney time. The format is 30 minutes plus 30 minutes of questions. Being a webinar you can present from your own desk.

    If you think you have a topic or case study you can present on, do please call or send a paragraph or two outlining the scope of the presentation to iotengineering@engineersaustralia.org.au


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