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Minutes 23-Feb-17

Geoff Sizer

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Attendees: Geoff Arthur, Arkady, Tim

1.      Webinar Program

With the forward looking program in place for the next month, we can adopt a more strategic view moving forwards.

1.1  Review program for topic balance

Arkady who is less close to the organizational front and can take a more objective view than AB or GS commented that his view is that the balance is quite good so far – in terms of topic coverage and general interest vs detailed technical topics. 

AZ suggested that we should aim to have presentations on  “best practice” in areas such as smart cities etc.

ACTON (AB): We should strive to schedule a mix of case studies, vendor technology presentations and technical topics, with Open Mic and IoT Deep Dive sessions.

1.2  Assess effectiveness of recent EMAIL request

EMAILing to a long list of people active in the field was fruitful – but we need to be careful to avoid too many commercial agendas in our webinars

We need catch titles for presentations – and adequate advance notice to vet presentations for excessive commercial focus.

We need to break up vendor presentations with case studies, technical & informative topics.  See item at bottom.

1.3  Discuss effectiveness of Open Mic – and how we can best use the format

See below

2. BoK

2.1 Gap analysis and how to close the gaps

TK has an action item in place to streamline the process of transcribing webinars into third party form before we proceed with BoK population

Lightweight Areas:

Chapter 1: Technologies

Data Analytics


Sensors – a webinar on generic sensor technology would be good – maybe a “guided open mic” session?

Energy Management and Energy Sources – maybe a “guided open mic” session?

It was agreed that the concept of “IoT Deep Dive” was conceptually a good one – but not to rely on audience questions – the host of the session leads it by asking “Dorothy Dixers” (circa 10) to keep things moving – getting the audience to a level where they start to know what they don’t know.

TK suggested IoT Deep Dive on Defence applications of IoT.

ACTION: AB to schedule one on the program for a coupe of months time – GS to host

ACTION: AB to schedule an Open Mic for 2 to 3 months time – TK to organize

Chapter 2:  Common Functions

Asset management

Control and Supervision

Tracking – need webinar on tracking technologies – GPS, Celluar, WiFi, signpost systems

Chapter 3: Industry specific application

Lots of holes – webinars already held need to be transcribed & integrated

Chapter 4: IOT Practices – these would have broad appeal within EA

Lots of holes

Compliance & Regulatory Standards – get a speaker from ACMA or EMC Society; or GS could present – this could be a topic for an IoT Deep Dive

IoT Standards

Intellectual Property, Legal – GS can get a speaker from Bird & Bird IP attorneys

Project Management, Quality Management – GS could present but is over-exposed – can be find someone maybe through EA College of Leadership and Management

Risk Engineering – get a presenter from Risk Engineering Society

3. Other Activities

3.1 Conference opportunities

AusEngCon 2018 (Sydney)

World Engineers Convention 2019 (Melbourne)


ACTION:  GS will maintain a watching brief on what is happening, and promote opportunities through EA

TK cautioned against thought of cooperating with IOTAA – we should be better off pursuing in our own right.  Face to face meetings of community are a good community building opportunity.  Having an IoT stream at major conferences perhaps makes more sense than trying to run a pure IoT event.

4. Other Items

Reaching out to Academia, research  and consulting engineers (as we have just done for commercial) – TK to address “Digital Innovation Ecosystem” is the fashionable conceptual all-encompassing term for the group of stakeholders.  “Landing Pad” is another contemporary term.

Landing Pads: Berlin, Tel Aviv, San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore

ACTION: TK to do research contacts and do a bulk EMAIL to universities (TK has a list of 41Unis in Oz) & consulting engineers  TK to set up in a spreadsheet accessible on the community site

ACTION: TK to contact Peter Leihn

Arkady suggested that Tim should follow up with Peter Leihn – Data61 CSIRO



GS activity through IOTAA – education about IoT – CEO to Tertiary to Secondary school

TK is to get EA to create a form to make AB, AZ and other core members Officers of EA to allow sharing of information for use by the community

AB is on IOTAA Workstream 6 – Innovation and Startups.  TK questioned why IOTAA are not proactively interacting with our community – GS will maintain contacts and see where the relationship can evolve.

AB would like statistics on Webinar library access  - TK has the numbers; significant numbers of EA members are accessing the library, with small but significant numbers of purchases; TK wants to evolve  materials to a structured e-learning format – Sandra Gallagher on EA staff is an e-learning professional who

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