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2-Dec-16 Minutes

Geoff Sizer

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Internal EA Marketing Campaign for IoT Community

Objective at this stage – internal EA marketing to raise awareness of community, and to grow community membership

ACTIONS (all):

·         Arthur – Melb

·         Tim – Syd

·         James - Brisbane

·         Geoff – the rest

·         Arthur – IET

·         Geoff – ACS, IEEE

ACTION (TK): Tim to write a covering letter/EMAIL to ACS, IET and IEEE.

Plan is to contact the following, to enlist their assistance in promoting the Community.  Along with an offer to assist with formulating proposals for new communities, establishing webinar programs etc.

·         EA Board members and Congress delegates – already done

·         EPAC members – GS has a full contact list – Tech Society chairs. SIG chairs, College chairs

·         Colleges though College Chairs Forum

·         Branch Chairs

·         Divisions via GMs

·         Outside EA – ACS, IET, IEEE where GS has reasonable contacts

·         Divisional offices – get brochures on display

The above groups have a fair bit of overlap of personnel, but this is not really a problem.

Broader marketing plan will be devised and actioned in the new year.

Webinar Program

·         Sigfox locked in

·         LoRa agreed but not yet finalized

·         Brimbank council in progress

ACTION (GS): Geoff has new contact – company developing low cost thermal sensing array – will forward to Arthur

ACTION (AB): Moving forward, we will aim to have 4 presentations in the pipeline, with materials sent to presenters accordingly

ACTION (All): All core members to provide Arthur as much support as they are able, in terms of lining up presenters

ACTION (JB): Part of James’ role is to identify gaps – eg defence, data analytics – and highlight the need to find presenters on these topics

ACTION (TK): we need to vary the formula – panel sessions – “open mike day” – do something different every 4 weeks (eg 14-Feb-16 Panel Sessions; 7-Mar-16 Open Mike Day) - TK will organize these.

ACTION (TK): We need to have periodic face-to-face meetings; this was an objective for 206 but has not proven practical; objective is to hold quarterly Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 2017 – national networked meetings held in EA’s video conferencing facility- 2 or 3 hour brainstorming event.  Need a host at leach location.  This can be coordinated with ITEE College Branch programs, through their committees.

ACTION (All): We need to find more volunteers to assist with Webinar editing – GS will include this in the communication within EA; TK will do as many as practicable over the break, with the objective of clearing the backlog.

ACTION (TK): Analyse attendees list to identify regular webinar attendees who can be invited to participate as core members/webinar editors

Webinar Themes

·         Industry/case study/technical

·         Presentations from companies active in the IoT space – more commercially oriented

CPD Plus - As long as accompany is prepared to present information which is not a direct sales pitch, they can be invited to present and promote their products.  Presenters in this category must contact Tim to authorize and determine payment arrangements

Other Activities

ACTION (TK): process mapping and procedural instructions for Society roles; draft newsletter (suggest make it more vibrant – may be limited by the platform capabilities) – to be sent out fortnightly.  Newsletter serves as an attractant to the forums.

ACTION (JB/AB): Advise forums facilitator of significant changes to BOK/Calendar, for inclusion in the newsletter

ACTION (TK/GS/PG): To work on how we will capture a directory of IoT service providers


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