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17-Nov-16 Minutes

Geoff Sizer

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BOK Coordinator

James Bird has been appointed to the role of BOK Coordinator.  The role will involve management and organizing of BOK information capture, but not to process all of the presentations – this job would be shared around.

There is a significant amount of initial work to process the backlog.

Membership Drive

GS is to promote AIOTEC within EA to raise awareness and increase EA member participation – through EA Divisions and  branches.

GS to gauge the temperature within EA next week at Congress in Brisbane.

What is an IoT Expert

IoT Alliance workstreams perhaps provides the best indication of the breadth of knowledge areas, from which we can learn.

No individual can hope to gain mastery of all facets of IoT technology.

Events and Budgets

Arthur can organise an IET – funded face to face event in Melb in the new year – maybe Feb or beyond.

Tim is trying to set up something in Sydney.

GS will liaise with other Branches to get something happening.

Webinar Program

6-Dec presentation is proving difficulty to set up – possible presentation by Greennbank council – deadline tomorrow to have this sorted, to look for Plan B.

13-Dec – TBD – maybe a technical presentation.

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