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Scaleable small data insights

Jason Mackinlay

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One of my colleagues, Hugh McCann, recently presented our company with an update on his data analytics work. He kicked off with a summary of his home energy usage. I knew he'd been tracking this, and I believe we talked on the day he accidentally deleted 3 months of data! Yep, he's a nerd's nerd and hadn't thought to protect the data because it was just a home project, so you can imagine how he felt.

He's just published a more detailed description of how and why he did it here. What immediately strikes me is that what he's done isn't particularly complex and it appears to me that it could be commoditised / built into new constructions. This ties in with some other discussions on smart metering but gives some insight into what can be done across a broader range of domestic power usage, and a way to engage the home owner.

It seems an obvious extension to add a degree of machine learning and mass energy usage collection for a whole variety of purposes.

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