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Minutes 22-Jun-17

Geoff Sizer

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Attendees: Arthur, Peter, Ramon, Tim, Geoff

1. Welcome to new Core Members

Peter and Ramon each gave a brief overview of their background and their interest in IoT

2. Roles and responsibilities

The community roles & work flow spreadsheet was discussed, led by Tim.

Tim has reached agreement with journalist to transcribe Webinars to Wiki for a fixed price of $150 per transcription and is seeking budget from EA for next year.

Peter has volunteered to transcribe the 20-Jun Webinar.

3. Review of Webinar program

Webinar presentations locked in up to and including 15th August, so we have some breathing space.

Arthur’s strategy to arrange presenters has been based mainly on making requests of people in the space that he comes across.  Personal networks, member suggestions and research on new & relevant topics.

Presenters and their topics are selected and scheduled to strike a balance between technical topics, general interest case studies etc.

Power systems case study drew nearly 200 attendees. More typical number is 100 attendees.

Tim wants to capitalise on the IoT legal issues webinar presented Tue 20-Jun, has transcription prepares and will pursue via the community site.

Geoff has access to another presenter in this space.  Geoffcould present on a practical approach to structuring engineering contract activities to minimise risk,  record information etc.

Arthur recommended that now we have breathing space, we can take a more strategic view of the program moving forwards.    

4. Security Initiative

Only one comment received, so the newsletter calling for comment has not been effective.

The mechanism of stimulating communications via the community platform forum appears to not be effective; we need to explore alternatives to stimulate community member interactions.

5. Transition to EA IT Hosted Community Platform

Approval in principle received to migrate the community to the new platform; in the IT dept queue.  This will include back-end integration with other EA systems, and potential for providing facilities such as CPD certificate issuance.

Preference is for IoT community to migrate to the new platform once it is proven and stable.

6.  Wiki

Tim presented an overview of his vision for the Wiki and how to populate it with high-value content.

A sensible strategy is to  link the filling in of gaps in the Wiki to initiatives to seek presenters to give content-rich presentations on the relevant topics where content is required.

7.      Interaction with IoTAA and Other Groups

Objective is for our calendar to be as comprehensive as practicable in terms of “quality” IoT events, without becoming overly cluttered with minutiae.

We can include IoTAA events in our calendar – they are building a head of steam and are holding events etc.

Meeting closed at 13:30



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